"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." -Coco Chanel

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017| Real Talk & Resolutions

Hello my fellow Sophisticates, and welcome to a new year. As you may have noticed, this "time to reflect" that I have taken has consumed almost a half of a year. Although my thoughts have not yet completely been reflected on, I feel that this time away from blogging and other forms of social media has allowed me to make goals for myself and resolutions that I so hope to keep. I hardly ever make new year's resolutions that I stick to, so I have decided that for 2017, I am only going to make resolutions and goals that are not on a deadline. In a way, it is an excuse to continue to learn about myself and "take time to reflect" without completely abandoning my blog and social media.

A great part of these resolutions have to do with finding out who I really am and if I'm capable of discovering my true self without changing any part of myself. I want to be able to endulge in the joys of life without giving anything up. I want to delve into cultures that I have yet to explore. And I want to find happiness in the grueling tasks of day-to-day life. This all sounds so great and so easy, but I know it is going to be a great challenge. One that I cannot wait to accept.

I find that unless I make an outline of my goals, it is difficult to keep myself to them. So, the (very rough) outline of my path to happiness and self discovery is written below.

1. Step out of your comfort zone.
2. Enjoy the variety that each day brings.
3. Find something positive in each daily task.
4. Define who I am without allowing others to define me.
5. Delve into foreign cultures.
6. Learn something new every day.
7. Learn to accept challenges and to not run from them.
8. Try new things.
9. Declutter my life: of materialistic goods, harmful people, and unneccessary worry
10. Don't forget to tell yourself every day that you are good enough and that you don't need anyone to prove that to you,
*BONUS: Allow yourself to be HAPPY!*

This outline, I'm hoping, will bring me all that I hope it will and that it will allow me to be the best version of myself that I can be.

Until next post, my lovelies. Just remember, resolutions do not need to have a deadline. You can't rush the journey to finding yourself. 


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